Signature Verification
Independently verify the validity of a digital signature from EthSign.
The ability to independently verify the validity of a digital signature is just as important as the act of signing, and this is exactly what EthSign Signatures offers. To verify your downloaded PDF file online, head here.
EthSign Certified
All documents that have completed signing are settled on Arweave. Since our document data structure is public and Arweave is an open network, technically anyone can upload data and have it considered "valid" as long as they conform to our data structure. This is not something we condemn — in fact, our game plan is to build a protocol and we love it when others build on top of our standard.
However, sometimes it is still necessary to distinguish an official implementation from a third-party implementation. This is the idea behind the "EthSign Certified" stamp - all documents created and signed on the official EthSign platform are digitally signed by a private key that EthSign controls and can be independently verified offline.
EthSign Certified signing address:
Verification Rollout
Our end goal is to provide users with the ability to independently verify the validity of the document itself as well as digital signatures made by signers offline. However, for an initial release, we only provide a limited subset of verification features. More verification features will be rolled out over time as we continue to work on EthSign Signatures.
Stage 1: Online Document Integrity Verification
Starting from day 1, users can verify the integrity of the original contents of their completed and downloaded PDF against the Arweave copy on our verification page. Digital signatures are not verified at this stage.
Stage 2: Online Digital Signature Verification
Coming in Q4 2023, users can verify the digital signatures within a downloaded PDF on our verification page.
Stage 3: Offline Integrity & Signature Verification CLI
Coming in Q1 2024, users can download a command-line interface (CLI) application to verify document integrity as well as digital signatures within a downloaded PDF file completely offline.
Last updated