How to Contribute
Welcome to the EthSign Community page! This page is run by the community, and is a central hub for ideas, as well as a source for ways to get involved!
Program Purpose:
Increase community involvement with the project.
Continuously expand the community.
Educate others about the use and necessities of EthSign.
Create informational material related to the protocol.
The EthSign project was created with organic growth in mind. The community and its members facilitate this kind of growth. As a Candidate/Community Advocate/Moderator, we should strive to be the leaders in the community and be as knowledgeable as we can.
Candidates/Community Advocate/Multi Language Moderator Selection:
Please check out EthSign Community Advocate and Multi-Language Moderator
Only candidates with member roles in the EthSign Discord are qualified for selection.
We look for individuals who are most active in the community for these selections. We love to see any Articles, Tweets, Videos, Art, Memes, or anything else related to EthSign. Please share! This also illustrates engagement within the community. Once selected, the community advocate/moderator is given access to the community governance-only chat, and a joining bonus NFT. After this initial bonus, a proportional monthly reward for continued dedication will also be given. These bonuses are subject to change and can be increased/decreased if the advocate/moderator community deems it should be.
DeWork Goals:
Create a grant for community contributors and Discord moderators to claim rewards (USDT) for ongoing community work. This can include prizes, bounties, enforcing admin rules, staying active on Discord, etc.
EthSign's Community Governance is All Viewable Via Dework
How to Accept Payments on Dework?
Last updated
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