EthSign Community Advocate

Why become an EthSign community advocate?

If you want to help unlock the power of decentralized applications with real-world data, apply to become an EthSign Advocate today.

  • Connect with top blockchain industry leaders

  • Get exclusive access to team members building EthSign

  • Receive support to grow your local meetup

  • Influence EthSign community initiatives

  • Meet and form friendships with other passionate advocates

  • Become a leader in the blockchain industry and grow your career goals

Advocate responsibilities

  • Have a passion for EthSign and its mission to be the leading suite of DAO tools

  • Build connections with projects that could potentially integrate EthSign

  • Host in-person or virtual meetups and Twitter spaces consistently for your local community

  • Join monthly check-in calls and update the Chainlink community team on your progress via group chats

  • Be the leader of your local community and the go-to person for EthSign-related questions

  • Dedicated to increasing community education around EthSign and smart contract technology

Application form:

Last updated